
New Round added to ASRA schedule: VIR North Course

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AM Unlimited GP $1000 races

Started by Woofentino Pugrossi, September 09, 2002, 07:17:21 PM

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Woofentino Pugrossi

Has anyone thought of limiting this race to people who had their license a year? After seeing new racers doing this race and seeing how NUTS this race gets, I was just wondering if anyone thought about this.

CCSForums Cornerworking and Classifieds Mod


That's bunk.  There ARE some guys who do reasonably ok their first year.  I ran the UnlimGP my 2nd race weekend and took a 3rd.  My 3rd race weekend, I took a 5th.  And while I think I'm definitely one of the "faster" beginners - there are plenty of mid-pack guys, who DO have a chance at the cash, and CAN hold their own.  

If anything, they should put some kind of minimum lap time requirement out there, or at least be more strict as to who can start racing.  Scary to watch how slow some of the Breuer school students are, and find out that they're legal to race the next day.  The closing speeds between the mid-pack guys, and the backmarkers, are dangerous.  Granted, everybody has to start somewhere... but maybe it's a good idea to require them to take an advanced school or something first (either Rosno's, or an advanced Breuer..)
Jim "Porcelain" Ptak


QuoteIf anything, they should put some kind of minimum lap time requirement out there, or at least be more strict as to who can start racing.   Granted, everybody has to start somewhere... but maybe it's a good idea to require them to take an advanced school or something first

This sort of comment surfaces in every sport, from roadracing to skydiving to mountain biking to golf:

"The newbies don't know what they are doing and are in the way!"

This comment typically comes from someone who hasn't been in the sport all that long, but now feels he/she is an experienced participant.

Everybody was a beginner once, everybody started slow. Some are slower than others, but people come with different skill levels and different amounts of talent.  Nothing is going to change that.

Basically what you are proposing is to place more obstacles in the way of people who want to try racing.  Make it so tough and so expensive to start that lots of guys won't even try.

Don't forget that these people pay license fees, gate fees and entry fees too.  They are supporting the sport.  Without them you would be paying a LOT more money than you are now to race, or perhaps you wouldn't be racing at all.

There are all kinds of schools that try to teach you the finer points of motorcycle control, but the only thing that can truly teach you how to race and how to become a faster racer is to go racing.  There is no substitute.  So, the newbies have to learn somewhere.  This is where they learn - in Amateur Racing (remember?  Amateur!).

So, if you're so good, what are you doing in Amateur racing?  Shouldn't you be a Pro already?  Come to think of it - if you're so good, why are the backmarkers causing you a problem?

Sorry if this comes across as a flame; I don't mean it personally, but it really irks me when I see someone advocating punitive or discriminatory restrictions for amateur sports participation.


Well said...this weekend at VIR will be my first race.. no i don't think i will finish 1st...but i don't think i will finish last..never know...if i do oh well i'm sure i'll have fun ;D but if you are racing AM and this is a problem for you all the time...well maybe you need to move on up to EX if you are that fast...


How about, for amateurs, they only pay out top 5, and top 3 in GTU and GTO.  Then, take the rest of the money and pay out Top 15 in Expert ULGP and Top 8 in Expert GTO, GTU.

This way we would be less apt to see so many fast amateurs stick in amateur when they really belong in Expert.

Also, I have to agree with Jim, this first year amateur averaged about $110/race in ULGP on a 600 :D
MCRA Race School Instructor


MCRA Race School Instructor


I agree with RoadRacerR6 on this matter except all it takes to go from Amatuer to expert is 500 points in a year, this is not hard at all. I think CCS should some how keep the slower riders down as Amatuers until they get fast enough to ride as experts, Just for your info I'm an Amatuer who is not all that fast but I am smooth and do not get in anybodys way. I ran unlimited one time and finished without being lapped by the leaders so I can't see what the problem is with allowing everybody to compete.


I feel that new riders can definitely hold their own.  This is my first year and I finished a 6th in Unlimited GP.  I was only on a SV 650, so I feel that unless the rider is unsafe they have as much of a right as any other rider to ride this class.


QuoteI feel that new riders can definitely hold their own.  This is my first year and I finished a 6th in Unlimited GP.  I was only on a SV 650, so I feel that unless the rider is unsafe they have as much of a right as any other rider to ride this class.

However not everyone comes in as a flat track champion either.  Most new racers do not have prior racing experience.



This was my first year, 2 race weekends actually, and I got a second (well, 1st behind Kane) in Unlimited GP on an R6.  
(step off podium)

The fact is, there will always be slower riders and there will always be faster riders.  You as a racer have the task of passing the slow ones and trying like hell to catch the fast ones.  By complaining about the slower riders, that are trying to get faster and maybe win some money, you are no better than the guy that complained about Kane being too fast.

If a racer can hold a line and is not a danger to anyone else, he should be able to race anything he wants within the CCS guidelines.  Besides, it seems even the fast guys are willing to throw it all away for a check.  It has to be the craziest race of the weekend!!!  :o


I gotta pipe in. This was my first year also and I managed a 17th in the Unlimited and a 12th was my highest placing this year. I think in MW SS.

On an F2!

So not all newbies suck. I think the only one I have seen so far that really should have been booted was a guy on an EX500 putting his foot down in corners and probably never hit 65mph in the straights. That was dangerous but penalize all the newbies for a few guys going slower? NAH.

My $.02

Super Dave

QuoteI feel that new riders can definitely hold their own.  This is my first year and I finished a 6th in Unlimited GP.  I was only on a SV 650, so I feel that unless the rider is unsafe they have as much of a right as any other rider to ride this class.

Ok, but how long have you been racing before, Jesse?  Right.  Your experience is at a much higher level of racing.  This club thing here is quite different from what others experience.  

In general, almost all new racers do NOT have the kind of success you do.
Super Dave