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Tip Sensor on 2k2 gsxr 600

Started by smoke, February 01, 2004, 07:05:31 AM

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Has anyone had an issue with the bike going past 43o lean angle in a turn?


the issue isn't that you'll trigger it from simply leaning over, but in the case of a slide/catch its quite easy to set it off.

I filled mine with silicone.


Does the silicone do? make the sensor think is at 0 all the time or clog it so at can't move to the 43o mark?


Hopefully this will explain it a bit better for ya...

P.S. your banner loads way slow there WebCrush
MW-AM #989 Racing
SpeedTech Racing
O'marro's Public House - The Varsity Club - Reptile Palace

Nate R

Webcrush, all your site pics were loading REAL slow when I was just there.
Nate Reik
MotoSliders, LLC
Missing my SV :-(


I never filled mine in.

I've had the bike leaned over far enough to grind the stock pegs.  

But i like that fact that when i crash and the bike is on its side the motor shuts off,  instead of running on for a minute without getting any oil !

my 2 cents


Note that the newer Suzuki tip over switch (at least on the 03 SV650) is completely different than the one in the photo.
Brian McLaughlin
Donate at
2 strokes smoke, 4 strokes choke


fill the sensor with glycerin.  It will slow down the reaction time but in the event the bike is on its side it will still shut off.


Quotethe issue isn't that you'll trigger it from simply leaning over, but in the case of a slide/catch its quite easy to set it off.

I filled mine with silicone.

Filling with silicone is common fix.  However, silicone makes it very hard to convert it back.  I simply put two zip ties on eah side of the ring.  The zip ties don't give the ring enough room to move and are easy to remove when the time comes.

PS - Crush is right about how it triggers.  You shouldn't have any problems just leaning over in the corners.
-Bill Hitchcock
GP EX #13
Double Bravo Racing
'01 Ducati 748

Tuck your skirt in your panties and twist the throttle!


damn virus out on the public networks is clogging up all the local routers so everything is running slow.

reason I siliconed my dead was cuz

1--it was a racebike with no chance of going back

2--i've yet to crash on the damn thing and have the engine keep running


cool  thanks all
I will be filling it in as its never going to be anything but a race bike and I've had bad rear slides that have almost put me on my azz on the old bike.


Any idea where I can find the one on an '03 R6.

Mine caused me not to finish a race 'uz I couldn't get it to cycle back on. :-/

Until I got back to the pits >:( >:( >:(