
New Round added to ASRA schedule: VIR North Course

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Privacy Policy

Started by Biketographer, September 19, 2019, 10:05:37 AM

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.


    This is a public forum which you are voluntarily participating in or viewing.  Anything you do here is recorded and we can and will use your information and material as we see fit.  What this means is that if you decide to cause trouble, we can and will send your messages public and/or private (don't think that deleting them actually removes them), email address, IP address(es) and any other information we decide to anyone we choose who is interested in pursuing legal matters against you.  We can and will also contact your ISP and/or employer (if we find that you are using your employer's computer network) to forward complaints which we may have regarding your actions on this site/forum.
  • GDPR
    This site is hosted & run in the United States of America.  We don't care about europes privacy laws.  If you are in europe, then do not use this website.
  • COOKIES:This site uses cookies.  Really, I dont think it is possible to run a modern website without using cookies.  You can adjust your browser to not use cookies (look in options.)  But if you do turn off cookies, things might not work correctly