
New Round added to ASRA schedule: VIR North Course

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Thank YOU CCS/ASRA Racers for a great weekend from all of us at M.A.R.R.C!!!

Started by Guzz, June 01, 2010, 10:05:22 AM

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I just wanted to send out a HUGE "Thank YOU" to CCS/ASRA and all the racers for a fantastic Memorial day race Weekend. There were some whacky situations to be sure, and we had our share of challenges, but overall I felt everything ran smooth and there was some great racing.  :thumb:

Thank you to everybody that donated drinks to us on Monday afternoon. Because we were there for four days because of our track day we and due to the heat we went through over 300 bottles of Gatorade and about 6 cases of water not to mention many cases of various soft drinks. When we inventored it all Sunday night we thought we had enough to make it through Monday, but the heat kicked up a notch and we found ourselves going through fluids at a record pace. So again "Thank You" to everybody for all your help.

We look forward to seeing you all in July!!!

PRESIDENT- Mid-Atlantic Road Racing Club


BIG BIG Thanks back to the MARRC crew this weekend, the heat was pretty brutal out there for sure!  Thanks for all you guys and gals do to keep us safe out there.
Todd Stinson


Read about the wacky over on the wera bbs.

Thanks for being out there and doing a great job. I'm sure you know that the racers, their families and friends really appreciate what you guys do!  :thumb:
Alexa Krueger
Spyder Leatherworks
Do or do not, there is no "try".


Thanks for everything you guys do to take care of us.
Hooking you all up with some water and Gatorade was a no-brainer
See you in July, Guzz
Steve #176
Making a difference through motorsports.

Full Spectrum Power | Innovative Motorcycle Research | Cornerspeed | Orient Express | BG Oil | Online Paddock | On The Throttle


Thanks Guzz and the rest of the MARRC crew!!!  Glad I only had to wave to you guys after the races!


Thanks Marrc crew, you help me out in turn 2 twice b/c bike let me down lol. Got her fixed though and made my last race. You guys Rock!!!
Your very welcome for the water, it was the least i could do!!!
#990 Mid-Atlantic Amateur 


Yes, thank you!   Frankly I didn't know much about MARCC prior to this past race weekend but you folks are a class act! :cheers:
CCS AM #532


CCS Expert# 13

naya the dingo

Quote from: drew231506 on June 01, 2010, 02:40:05 PM
HUGE thanks!!!!!  Great weekend!

+1  Thanks to everyone who fought through the relentless sun and heat!
Lory Shifflett
CCS Ex. 270
WERA Ex. 271


Quote from: badazz on June 01, 2010, 12:06:26 PM
Thanks Marrc crew, you help me out in turn 2 twice b/c bike let me down lol. Got her fixed though and made my last race. You guys Rock!!!
Your very welcome for the water, it was the least i could do!!!

Ohhhhh.... so THAT was YOU!  ::) you actually did a pretty good job of getting the bike off the track far enough, as well as yourself.  You didn't make us "too" nervous, but in the future we would have been MORE comfortable if you had gotten yourself behind the fence ;).  Glad we could be of assistance, our 'crash truck' driver this weekend rocked :) :)
MARRC Corner Worker of the Year 2008
MARRC Vice President 2012
MARRC President 2013


I'm a little late as this is overdue.  Big thanks to the MARC Crew for helping me through my ordeal between turns 1 and 2.  I really don't remember any of it quite honestly, so if I got a little rough with you, please accept my sincere apology.  I'm grateful for having you guys there.  If you were in turn 1 during this, shoot me pm so I can say thanks in person next time we're out at Summit.

Once again, big thanks to everyone out there.

Peter - #41 Ducati 848