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How about that KKKramer?

Started by Jeff, November 22, 2006, 10:03:33 AM

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What an absolute idiot...  that's all I can say.  He's lucky to be in one piece.

If you have no idea what I'm referring to, go to and search "Kramer" and look for the recent posts...  He was doing a standup routine (which apparently he is horrible at anyhow), and people were talking in the audience and he SNAPPED and started firing off "N***GER" about 20x for reasons I still can't figure out...
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it sucks that he snapped but still why should it be ok for any black person to call me a cracker ass white boy... its just words.  i dont understand why a black man can call another black man a nigger but as soon as it comes from a white man its racist???  i have black friends that call me whitey and i call them niggers, but we are friends so thats ok.  the owner of the club should have thrown out the guys hassling mr richards before the whole shinanigan got out of control like that.  we are all human and make mistakes and he is in the public eye i know...

he started shouting off bc someone in the crowd started yelling at him, which of course they didnt show in the videos.  anyway im not defending him, but i think this country seriously holds us to a double standard. 


it's also the tone in which the words are delivered.  His was pretty loaded with hatred...

Is it a double standard?  Sure is...  Same reason promiscuous guys are studs and heros while promiscuous women are whores...
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Heckling is part and parcel of being a comedian. If club owners threw out the hecklers, they would not have a business. It's a time honored vetting process, as well as part of many shows. If you can't handle it, get out of the biz.

The thing with Michael Richards is that he is very well known, and very rich. If you watch what happened, it was totally filled with vitriolic hate and menace. Appaerently he's done this before to a lesser extent. Guy has an anger problem.

And I do not think it's ok to a call African-Americans the N word, and more than I want them calling me a cracker-ass white girl. I also don't approve of calling gay people fags, nor applying any other ethnically charged slur to any race. Of course, that's just me, the rest of the population can do as they please, but don't expect anyone to like it.
Alexa Krueger
Spyder Leatherworks
Do or do not, there is no "try".

Woofentino Pugrossi

Seen it. Wasnt to impressed by it either. Then again I dont think Richards standup is funny at all anyways (although he is funnier than Seinfeld could ever be. Then again a 3yr old is funnier than Jerry).

Instead of making such a big ass deal over this, just ignore it and it would just fall away much like his career did after that stupid Seinfeld show ended.

CCSForums Cornerworking and Classifieds Mod


it was a slow day... figured I'd stir up some controversy...

race/religion/politics, and since the elections are over and there was nothing new in the religion headlines, the race card won out...
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 :biggrin:first if you go to a comedy club and start heckling the comic you are fair game. yes it was a pretty fucked up thing for him to to do, however as a person of color I find it more disturbing when a whole generation of black people seem to use the word in music and daily conversation and think its ok and that they are "keeping it real "whatever that is. this" we can use it, but they can't" is bullshit and I call them on it every time. nobody said a damn thing when chris rock said" i love black people but i hate niggers" why is it ok for him to use the word?, newsflash- being black does not give you a free pass on the word.  I was taught as a child never to use the word, and if you were called that it was an insult, the word was used to describe the worst kind of black person a useless, ignorant, lowlife with no values, however I have to say everytime I look at certain videos and god forbid BET or cribs there is certainly a segment of black society that does its best to live up to the meaning of the word and every negative image of a black person you can find. bottom line is leave richards alone he's not the first won't be the last, move on let's go pick on K-FED!


K3 Chris Onwiler

The frame was snapped, the #3 rod was dangling from a hole in the cases, and what was left had been consumed by fire.  I said, "Hey, we've got all night!"

Super Dave

Comedians, actors...

Aren't they just doin' stuff to be like someone else?  A character?

It's play time for them.  And any press is good for them too.  So, the controversy is just good for Kramer.
Super Dave


If nothing else, it'll be good for discount head shaves & swastika tattoos
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I don't understand the double politics that we are all supposed to fear and live under as caucasions. As a black comedian you can joke about how whites dress, dance, talk, and whatever else (I laugh at this stuff too, so bear with me) and it's never looked down on. Also making fun of your own using n words, and certainly it's ok as a mexican, black, cuban and whatever else 'minority' comedian wants too but definately not ok as a white comedian As a white comedian even though I'm sure they could come up with sterio type black, mexican, and other minorities jokes all day long they don't due to fears of the idiots like Jesse Jackson types that live to persacute anyone who doesn't live inside these fear tactics. these ARE double standards, we, I, you, and everyone get in line and be good- says big brutha


And I don't understand why some whites don't understand that those in power shouldn't mock those who aren't.

Don Cook
CCS #53