
New Round added to ASRA schedule: VIR North Course

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Started by spyderchick, June 27, 2006, 11:34:15 AM

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To all forum users, we sincerely apologize for the inappropriate photos that some sicko posted today. We are in the process of removing all posts containg the lewd, definitely not work safe and not very funny pix.

Also, our apologies to Jason Thorsen and his family if they saw the title to some of the threads. This user has been banned and we are monitoring his IP, so he will not be able to register here...EVER!

Thanks you for your patience and understanding.
Alexa Krueger
Spyder Leatherworks
Do or do not, there is no "try".

Super Dave

And you might want to check your PM's in a safe place.
Super Dave



Quote from: Super Dave on June 27, 2006, 11:36:32 AM
And you might want to check your PM's in a safe place.

Yep, those were nasty too.....

Woofentino Pugrossi

Better yet, maybe contacting his ISP might be a better solution. Those posts would violate pretty much 90% of the ISP's TOS. Cant tell ya how many of these fruits we've tracked down on another site even through proxy servers.

CCSForums Cornerworking and Classifieds Mod


not worth the time.  sometimes the best way to deal with a pest is to squash them and then ignore them.
Bucket List:
[X] Get banned from Wera forum
[  ] Walk the Great Wall of China
[X] Visit Mt. Everest

K3 Chris Onwiler

Quote from: Jeff on June 27, 2006, 07:57:10 PM
not worth the time.  sometimes the best way to deal with a pest is to squash them and then ignore them.
So anyhow, I missed the sickness.  You say this person was picking on my pal Jason....?  Well then let me respond,
People who hide behind the internet and spread grief are pussys.

Squash? 8)  Watch it Jeff, or we might have to ban you! :lmao:
The frame was snapped, the #3 rod was dangling from a hole in the cases, and what was left had been consumed by fire.  I said, "Hey, we've got all night!"


Alexa - if you get a chance let me know what the IP is....

Sean P. Clarke
WERA Motorcycle Roadracing


wow, what a loser. I didn't see any posts or pics, but why would someone do that anyway? its happened before? nail the s.o.b.


Thnax for stopping the pics...Jason's Mom here